Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the plan

first, i have taken to typing without capitals. this goes against all of my grammatically anal tendencies, but for some reason, i like it better this way. i've also found that after typing on keyboards around the world, finding the key combination that allows for capitals can be a bugger. so out they go.

now, it says something about my personality that i feel compelled to have a plan for my blog. as much as i wish to claim large doses of spontenaity in my personality, i really like plans too. i think balance is important. so, that said, here's my plan. i'm going to try and post partly about my life and partly about my research; hopefully, as i become more entrenched in my research, it won't also become my life, but that's for another day...

my research posts have 2 purposes. the first is that i think it will help my ideas evolve if i make an effort do write about them more than i do right now. the second is more important - it is to outstretch an invitation to you. i am going to post about my research in the form of questions that i am pondering, connections i'm trying to build, and struggles i'm facing. i invite you to be a part of the conversation because many heads are better than one.

my life posts also have 2 purposes. the first is to invest more time in connecting (albeit in a one-sided way) with people who are important to me, and who i do not see or communicate with as often as i would like. the second is to avoid the possibility of future regret for not having written it down - whether or not it seems to matter.

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